Fading Nature


Fading Nature is an award-winning collection consisting of nine outfits for both men and women. The collection is inspired by surfaces and textures from nature and by those that nature has transformed and reclaimed. Central elements are the elaborate surface design using different printing processes and knitting as a production technique. The pieces are crafted from a variety of high-quality materials including silk, mohair, wool and cotton.

wild silk

Long Live the Cloth


Long Live the Cloth is a material lifecycle concept developed in collaboration with Anna-Lea Hebeisen. The designs contribute to the discourse on sustainability and represent the initial goal of raising consumer awareness while at the same time promoting the longevity of clothing. The key elements are the quality of the material, the timelessness of the patterns, the possibilities for re-use and the effective communication of these principles. The two resulting collections share a largely waste-free production process. Not only can they be worn in combination, but they are also connected via the material cycle. The goal is to promote the underlying philosophy expressed in the clothing through an accompanying information and training programme.

linen viscose (recycled)



Morgenblau (“Morning Blue”) was created with an emphasis on draping as a design technique. All the pieces in the collection were designed directly on the bust. The use of Aida cloth gives the jackets both transparent elements and a clearly defined shape. The resulting form is characterised by a contrast of close-fitting and free-flowing elements.

Aida cloth



Fließgewässer (“Flowing Waters”) was created as part of the design project “Spatial Collage”. The designs were developed based on collages on paper as well as life-sized collages on the body. Both the dress and the flowing ribbons are made of organic sateen. Parts of the dress and the ornate top piece were painstakingly woven by hand. The top piece is also stabilised by a custom-built wooden frame, giving Fließgewässer a sculptural character.

wooden sticks



The installation Armlängenanzug (“Arm’s Length Suit”) is a reaction to a statement made by the Mayor of Cologne Reker, who in the context of the mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve 15/16 at Cologne Central Station advised women to always keep an arm’s length between themselves and strangers. The piece highlights the inherent absurdity of this statement. It was created as part of the seminar “What Part of No Don’t You Understand?”, a course devoted to the issue of sexualised violence at universities and in everyday life, and was displayed during the summer exhibition, blocking the path so that visitors were forced to walk around it.

nettle cloth
filling material
nylon thread